
Samsung vs Apple

      In 9 Semtember court of law in Germany decided, that new tablet from Smasung must be give out of distibution. The Apple said, that Samsung coppy the desing od their iPad.
      Düsseldorfs court of law banned selling tablet Samsung Galaxy Tab 10.1 according to preliminary research in August, but it was only to Friday 9 September. Thanks this action, SAmsung cannot show their product on trade show in Berlin IFA. After this Samsung have to get out of distribution Galaxy Tab 7.7 because Apple have the same problem with it. Apple claim that these mobile computer break registered desing of iPad from 2004.

Apple iPad versus Samsung Galaxy Tab 
     This is not new problem because Apple sued Samsung in the same things in Australia, USA or in Japan too. But new is, that Samsung sue Apple in many things about their iPads and iPhones because they said that Apple break their patent about technologies like UTMS and 3G. This dispute is specifically about about iPhone 3G, 3GS and 4 and about both generations iPads. These disputes are their answer on Apple‘s actions. And I hope that Samsung will win at the end, because I don‘t like Apple. Because I thnik that their products is so expensive considering that it‘s the same quality like Samsung, HP and etc.

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