
Samsung vs Apple

      In 9 Semtember court of law in Germany decided, that new tablet from Smasung must be give out of distibution. The Apple said, that Samsung coppy the desing od their iPad.
      Düsseldorfs court of law banned selling tablet Samsung Galaxy Tab 10.1 according to preliminary research in August, but it was only to Friday 9 September. Thanks this action, SAmsung cannot show their product on trade show in Berlin IFA. After this Samsung have to get out of distribution Galaxy Tab 7.7 because Apple have the same problem with it. Apple claim that these mobile computer break registered desing of iPad from 2004.

Apple iPad versus Samsung Galaxy Tab 
     This is not new problem because Apple sued Samsung in the same things in Australia, USA or in Japan too. But new is, that Samsung sue Apple in many things about their iPads and iPhones because they said that Apple break their patent about technologies like UTMS and 3G. This dispute is specifically about about iPhone 3G, 3GS and 4 and about both generations iPads. These disputes are their answer on Apple‘s actions. And I hope that Samsung will win at the end, because I don‘t like Apple. Because I thnik that their products is so expensive considering that it‘s the same quality like Samsung, HP and etc.


Lemond stand game

I played Lemond stand game so I have some tabels for you which explained my strategy. But...my strategy is not good xD


Law of Supply, Demand and explanation of Giffen and Veblen goods

Law of Supply 

There is direct relationship between the price of a commodity and its quantity offered fore sale over a specified period of time. When the price of a goods rises, other things remaining the same, its quantity which is offered for sale increases as and price falls, the amount available for sale decreases.The law of supply, in short, states that ceteris paribus sellers supply more goods at a higher price than they are willing at a lower price. For example: If ten people want to buy a pen, and there's only one pen, the sale will be based on the level of demand for the pen. The supply function requires more pens, which generates more production to meet demand.

Law of Demand

We have stated earlier that demand for a commodity is related to price per unit of time. It is the experience of every consumer that when the prices of the commodities fall, they are tempted to purchase more. Commodities and when the prices rise, the quantity demanded decreases. There is, thus, inverse relationship between the price of the product and the quantity demanded. For example: For example, according to the law of demand, other things being equal quantity demanded increases with a fall in price and diminishes with rise to price. Now let us suppose that price of tea comes down from $40 per pound to $20 per pound. The demand for tea may not increase, because there has taken place a change in the taste of consumers or the price of coffee has fallen down as compared to tea or the purchasing power of the consumers has decreased.

Veblen Good

High-status items such as luxury cars, expensive shoes or pricey watches remain appealing to certain consumers as long as prices remain high or increase. A decrease in the price of a Veblen good could cause it to become less exclusive, which may reduce consumers' fondness for it.
Giffen good 

Consumer item having the paradoxical quality of being in greater demand when its price rises, and lower in demand when the price falls. Typically, a giffen good (such as corn in 19th century England and the alcoholic beverage 'shochu' in modern Japan) is one considered 'essential' by a section of consumers. As its price increases, the consumers have to spend a greater portion of their income to maintain the same level of consumption. Since they cannot now afford the more expensive substitutes, they end up buying more of the same good. The opposite happens when its price falls.


Do you know, why the price of oil is increasing???

Although we still have enough reserve of oil, the price was in previous weeks increasing a lot. The reasons may be almost invisible for common people. My task is to present some of them to you. The first is rebelion in Libye because befor the rebelion had Libya produce 1.6, milion galons of oil every day and now it had reduce to 85% of the original amount. The second reason is fear of loosing Saudi Arabia as it is also one of the biggest producer of oil. But the real factor is OPEC - Organization of Petroleum Exporting Countries. This organization has to decide the price of oil, and control 75% of all produced oil and specify amount of oil that producer may quarry. So at the end, I can say, as a beginner in economy, that price of oil is affected more by things, we will never get together with oil and that is a mircle of economy and reasons what is happening to price of oil.


Some information about me...

Hi everybody :) I am Misa and this is my new blog for my ib economy class. I decided to study it because I think thaht is interesting subject and I can use it for future. But now, it's so hard for me, because I can't english well, but I try it to improve it.